Results for 'Maricel D. M. de Gandolfi'

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  1. Extending the Curry {Howard {Tait interpretation to linear, relevant and other logics.D. M. Gabbay & Rjgb de Queiroz - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56:1129-40.
  2. A sequence of decidable finitely axiomatizable intermediate logics with the disjunction property.D. M. Gabbay & D. H. J. De Jongh - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):67-78.
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    Abstraction révolutionnaire et réalisme catholique..Augustin D. M. Cochin & Michel de Boüard - 1936 - Paris,: Desclée, de Brouwer & cie. Edited by Boüard, Michel de & [From Old Catalog].
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    Briefwisseling: Naar aanleiding Van „op zoek naar de Ware ervaring”.A. Peperzak & D. M. De Petter - 1964 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 26 (4):622-626.
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    Transmission electron microscopy study of complex planar faults in Ru–Al–0.5 at.% B.D. -C. Lu, M. De Graef & T. M. Pollock † - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (22):2317-2329.
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    Cognitive-neuroscience approaches to issues of philosophy-of-mind.Geert J. M. van Boxtel & Herman C. D. G. de Regt - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):460-461.
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    Begrip en werkelijkheid.D. M. de Petter - 1964 - Hilversum,: P. Brand.
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  8. Fenomenologia dell’anima ed etica.M. D'Avenia & R. De Monticelli - 2005 - Acta Philosophica 14 (1):145-156.
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    Orientation Toward Key Non-family Stakeholders and Economic Performance in Family Firms: The Role of Family Identification with the Firm.Mª de la Cruz Déniz-Déniz, Mª Katiuska Cabrera-Suárez & Josefa D. Martín-Santana - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):329-345.
    Based on the literature on stakeholder management and family firm dynamics, this research analyses the relationship between three constructs: the identification of business families with their family firms, FFs’ orientation toward key non-family stakeholders, and the achievement of better economic performance. Data analyses from 374 family and non-family members of 173 Spanish FFs show that a high level of family identification with their firms affects the orientation of FFs toward key non-family stakeholders in setting corporate goals and that this orientation (...)
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  10. Reflexies.D. M. Bakker & J. P. A. Mekkes (eds.) - 1968 - Amsterdam,: Buijten & Schipperheijn.
    Onderwerp en gezegde, door D. M. Bakker.--Enkele opmerkingen over het Godsbegrip van Justinus Martyr, door J. den Boeft.--Heidegger, Descartes, Luther, door J. van der Hoeven.--"Geschichtlichkeit" bij Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, door G. Horsman.--Menselijke ontmaskering en Bijbels démasqué , door R. Huson.--Kleine geschiedenis van het begrip "niets" in de antieke wijsbegeerte (tot e met de Sofisten en Plato), door P. A. Meijer.--De structuur van opvoeden en opvoedkunde, door J. W. Mojet.--Individualiteit in de fysica, door M. D. (...)
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    Beiträge zur römischen prosopographie Des III. Jahrhunderts.D. M. Pippidi - 1957 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 101 (1-2):148-162.
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    Bedtime procrastination: introducing a new area of procrastination.Floor M. Kroese, Denise T. D. De Ridder, Catharine Evers & Marieke A. Adriaanse - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Les deux dissertations de M. G. Rabeau.D. -M. De Petter - 1938 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 41 (60):544-554.
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    Diabolic marks, organs, and relations: Exiting symbolic misery.D.-M. Withers - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (5):88-103.
    The globalized societies of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries are de-composing, according to Bernard Stiegler. This decay is expressed by breakdown in the compositional pr...
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  15. Evaluating New Wave Reductionism: The Case of Vision.M. K. D. Schouten, H. Looren de Jong & D. Eck - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (1):167 - 196.
    This paper inquires into the nature of intertheoretic relations between psychology and neuroscience. This relationship has been characterized by some as one in which psychological explanations eventually will fall away as otiose, overthrown completely by neurobiological ones. Against this view it will be argued that it squares poorly with scientific practices and empirical developments in the cognitive neurosciences. We analyse a case from research on visual perception, which suggests a much more subtle and complex interplay between psychology and neuroscience than (...)
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    Günter Ramming: Die politisch Ziele und Wege des Aischines. (Erlangen diss.) Pp. 140. Erlangen: privately printed, 1965. Paper.D. M. Lewis - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (3):406-406.
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    Choir versus Solo Singing: Effects on Mood, and Salivary Oxytocin and Cortisol Concentrations.T. Moritz Schladt, Gregory C. Nordmann, Roman Emilius, Brigitte M. Kudielka, Trynke R. de Jong & Inga D. Neumann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    How Can I Contribute? Citizen Engagement in the Development of Nanotechnology for Health.Sikke R. Jansma, Anne M. Dijkstra & Menno D. T. de Jong - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (3):211-227.
    Scholars and policymakers have increasingly advocated to engage citizens more substantially in the development of science and technology. However, to a large extent it has remained unknown how citizens can contribute to technology development. In this study, we systematically characterized citizens’ contributions in the development of nanotechnology for health. We explored to which technology aspects citizens are able to provide suggestions on and on which values their suggestions are based. Fifty citizens in the Netherlands were asked to discuss different applications (...)
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    A Solução Kantiana Frente ao Inatismo e Empirismo.D. M. Oliveira - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía 7 (2):31-41.
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    The politics of the workshop: craft, autonomy and women’s liberation.D.-M. Withers - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (2):217-234.
    The women’s liberation movements that emerged in Britain in the late 1960s are rarely thought of through their relationship with technology and technical knowledge. To overlook this is to misunderstand the movement’s social, cultural and economic interventions; it also understates how the technical environment conditioned the emergence of autonomous, women-centred politics. This article draws on archival evidence to demonstrate how the autonomous women’s liberation movement created experimental social contexts that enabled de-skilled, feminised social classes to confront their technical environment and (...)
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  21. The modal aspects as points of entry to our experience of and reflection on created reality.D. M. F. Strauss - 1981 - In H. van Riessen & P. Blokhuis, Wetenschap, wijsheid, filosoferen: opstellen aangeboden aan Hendrik van Riessen bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de wijsbegeerte aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. De Fraine, P. Fransen, H. Bosenduin, J. De Cock, S. Trooster, E. De Strycker, H. Berghs, P. Smulders, R. Leys, P. Van Doornik, F. Veelenturf, F. Bossuyt, A. Van Kol, J. Kerkhofs, J. Vanneste, J. Mulders, J. Van Nuland, A. Poncelet, E. Huffer, C. Verhaak, J. Nota, H. V. D. Lee, E. Kumps, M. Dierickx & M. De Tollenaere - 1961 - Bijdragen 22 (3):303-348.
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    (1 other version)Deutsch-Persisches WörterbuchDeutsch-Persisches Worterbuch.M. J. D. & Wilhelm Eilers - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):391.
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    A Q methodology study on divergent perspectives on CRISPR-Cas9 in the Netherlands.Anne M. Dijkstra, Menno D. T. De Jong & Mirjam Schuijff - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundCRISPR-Cas9, a technology enabling modification of the human genome, is developing rapidly. There have been calls for public debate to discuss its ethics, societal implications, and governance. So far, however, little is known about public attitudes on CRISPR-Cas9. This study contributes to a better understanding of public perspectives by exploring the various holistic perspectives Dutch citizens have on CRISPR-Cas9.MethodsThis study used Q methodology to identify different perspectives of Dutch citizens (N = 30) on the use of CRISPR-Cas9. The Q-sort method (...)
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    Many-Valued Logics and Translations.Ítala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano & Hércules de Araujo Feitosa - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):121-140.
    This work presents the concepts of translation and conservative translation between logics. By using algebraic semantics we introduce several conservative translations involving the classical propositional calculus and the many-valued calculi of Post and Lukasiewicz.
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    Clarifying incoherence in games.H. D. Hogenbirk, M. van de Hoef & John Meyer - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Games 1 (1).
    In this paper we will analyze the concept of incoherency that has been put forward by Jesper Juul in Half-Real (2005). Juul provides a paradigmatic example of an incoherency in the game Donkey Kong. The main character of the narrative, Mario, can die and subsequently reappear at the beginning of the level. However, when pressed to describe the narrative of the game, most players would not say that Mario ever died. The respawn is attributed to the game rules instead. Juul (...)
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    Clarifying incoherence in games.H. D. Hogenbirk, M. van de Hoef & John Meyer - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Games 1 (1).
    In this paper we will analyze the concept of incoherency that has been put forward by Jesper Juul in Half-Real (2005). Juul provides a paradigmatic example of an incoherency in the game Donkey Kong. The main character of the narrative, Mario, can die and subsequently reappear at the beginning of the level. However, when pressed to describe the narrative of the game, most players would not say that Mario ever died. The respawn is attributed to the game rules instead. Juul (...)
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    De Partibus Animalium I and de Generatione Animalium I.D. M. Balme (ed.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    In De Partibus Animalium I Aristotle sets out his philosophy of biology, discussing cause, necessity, soul, genus, and species, definition by logical division, and general methodology. In De Generatione Animalium I he applies his hylomorphic philosophy to the problem of animal reproduction. The translation is close, and includes passages from De Generatione Animalium II which complete Aristotle's theory of reproduction. The notes interpret Aristotle's arguments and discuss his views on major issues such as natural teleology. The original edition was published (...)
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    Corresponding states of nematic birefringence: an order parameter universality.M. Simões, D. S. Simeão, A. de Campos & A. J. Palangana - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (33):5237-5247.
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    De filosofie Van P. D. M. de Petter.D. Scheltens - 1971 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (3):439 - 506.
    Le P. D. M. De Petter, o.p., fondateur de cette revue dont il assuma la direction jusqu'à sa mort, survenue le 6 avril 1971, publia pendant sa vie divers articles qui ont suscité, à bon droit, l'intérêt du public philosophique. Ces études demeurent cependant fragmentaires par rapport à sa vision philosophique globale, telle qu'elle est exprimée dans ses cours non publiés. Elles ne reçoivent d'ailleurs leur pleine signification qu'à partir de cette vue d'ensemble. Le présent exposé a pour objectif d'initier (...)
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    Xenophontis De Vectigalibus. [REVIEW]D. M. Lewis - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (1):88-88.
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    Naar het metafysische.D. M. de Petter - 1972 - Antwerpen,: De Nederlandsche Boekhandel.
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  33. Ahn, W., 81 Martin, JH. 233 Alterman, R., 205 Medin, DL, 81 Bookman, LA, 205 Bordage, Cl., 185.H. P. A. Boshuizen, H. C. Boxsahin, D. Chapman, Z. Dienes, N. V. Findler, J. C. Glasgow, V. Goel, R. M. Pilkington, Rumelhart de & H. G. Schmidt - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16:583.
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    Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z=3-3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts.J. -B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, J. P. U. Fynbo, M. Gronke, K. E. Heintz, D. B. Malesani, P. Petitjean, N. R. Tanvir, V. D. D'Elia, D. A. Kann, J. T. Palmerio, R. Salvaterra, K. Wiersema, M. Arabsalmani, S. Campana, S. Covino, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, F. Hammer, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, C. Kouveliotou, T. Laskar, Andrew J. Levan & A. Rossi - forthcoming - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Context. The identification of the sources that reionized the Universe and their specific contribution to this process are key missing pieces of our knowledge of the early Universe. Faint star-forming galaxies may be the main contributors to the ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization, but their escaping photons cannot be detected directly due to inter-galactic medium opacity. Hence, it is essential to characterize the properties of faint galaxies with significant Lyman continuum photon leakage up to z 4 to (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Aristotle's De Partibus Animalium I and De Generatione Animalium I.D. M. Balme & Richard Sorabji - 1972 - Philosophy 48 (186):404-406.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. -M. Tison, P. C. Beentjes, Tamis Wever, W. Beuken, Jan C. M. Engelen, P. Fransen, P. Ahsmann, G. Bouwman, J. Wissink, W. G. Tillmans, H. Rikhof, F. J. Verstraelen, C. G. M. 'T. Mannetje, M. De Wachter, R. G. W. Huysmans, A. H. Eysink, H. Wegman, H. P. M. Goddijn, Theo Bell, J. Y. H. Jacobs, J. Plantinga, Jan W. Besemer, M. V. D. Berk, H. W. M. van Grol, H. V. Grol, M. Heijndrikx, Ben Vedder, Henk van Luijk & H. Stroeken - 1979 - Bijdragen 40 (1):76-112.
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    Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque: histoire des mots. Vol. iv, 2: Φ-Ω et index. [REVIEW]D. M. Jones - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (2):306-307.
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  38. (1 other version)STEINMETZ, S. R. -Die Philosophic des Krieges. [REVIEW]M. D. M. D. - 1907 - Mind 16:612.
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    Grammatical Theory - (1) R. H. Robins: Ancient and Mediaeval Grammatical Theory in Europe with particular reference to Modern Linguistic Doctrine. Pp. viii+104. London: Bell, 1951. Cloth, 8 s. 6 d. net. - (2)A. G. de Man: In Grammaticis Veritas. De noodzakelijke Vernieuwing van het Onderwijs in Latijn. Pp. iv+136. Groningen: J. B. Wolters, 1951. Paper, f. 3.90. [REVIEW]D. M. Jones - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (01):51-52.
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  40. Diagnosis & treatment of chronic arterial insufficiency of the lower extremities.J. I. Waits, J. Byrne, P. Clagett, M. E. Farkouh, J. M. Porter, D. L. Saclett & L. M. de StrandenssTaylor - 1996 - A Critical Review. Circulation 94:3026-3049.
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    Werner Peek: Epigramme und andere Inschriften aus Labonien und Arkadien. (Sitz. d. Heidelberger Akad., Phil.- hist. Kl., 1971. 2.) Pp. 36; 8 plates. Heidelberg: Winter, 1971. Paper, DM. 18. [REVIEW]D. M. Lewis - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (1):160-160.
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    Greek Morphology P. Chantraine: Morphologie historique du grec. Deuxième édition revue et augmentée. (Nouvelle Collection à l'Usage des Classes, xxxiv.) Pp. xiii+355. Paris: Klincksieck, 1961. Paper, 16 fr. [REVIEW]D. M. Jones - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (03):305-307.
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    The Ghost Walks M. Lavency: Aspects de la logographie judiciaire attique. Pp. 220. Louvain: Nauwelaerts, 1964. Paper, 300 [REVIEW]D. M. Macdowell - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (02):200-202.
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    Altertümer von Pergamon. Band viii. 3: Die Inschriften des Asklepieions. [REVIEW]D. M. Lewis - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (3):406-408.
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    Narcissists A. Deremetz: Le miroir des muses: Poétiques de la reflexivité à Rome. Pp. 497. Villeneuve d'Ascq (Nord): Universitaires de Septentrion, 1995. Paper. Frs. 150. ISBN: 2-85939-484-. [REVIEW]D. M. Hooley - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (01):40-41.
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  46. AVALIAÇÃO DA REUTILIZAÇÃO DE IMPLANTES DE PROGESTERONA SOBRE A TAXA DE PRENHEZ DE RECEPTORAS INOVULADAS COM EMBRIÕES IN VITRO.J. C. B. Sabino, M. V. De Souza & V. L. D. Q. De Castro - 2024 - Revista de Ciências da Faculdade Univértix 1 (1):1-12.
    Atualmente, biotecnologias são empregadas na forma de protocolos a fim de sincronizar o crescimento folicular e a ovulação, bem como permitir que vacas atuem como receptoras de embriões visando melhorar o potencial genético do rebanho. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito da utilização de implantes intravaginais de progesterona de 1º, 2º e 3º uso no protocolo de transferência de embriões em tempo fixo (TETF) sobre a taxa de prenhez em receptoras girolandas. O experimento ocorreu em uma fazenda localizada (...)
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    Céramiques de BactresCeramiques de Bactres.M. J. D. & J. -C. Gardin - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):391.
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    N. G. Wilson: An Anthology of Byzantine Prose. (Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen und Übungen, 189.) Berlin: de Gruyter, 1971. Paper, DM.24.D. M. Nicol - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (1):137-137.
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    Philosophie de la Valeur.D. M. Tulloch - 1954 - Philosophical Quarterly 4 (15):192.
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    Generic Bohmian Trajectories of an Isolated Particle.D. M. Appleby - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (12):1863-1883.
    The generic Bohmian trajectories are calculated for an isolated particle in an approximate energy eigenstate, for an arbitrary one-dimensional potential well. It is shown that the necessary and sufficient condition for there to be a negligible probability of the trajectory deviating significantly from the classical trajectory at any stage in the motion is that the state be a narrowly localised wave packet. The properties of the Bohmian trajectories are compared with those in the interpretation recently proposed by García de Polavieja. (...)
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